About Me

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Born and raised in good old Florida. Newly widowed after 30 years. Trying to keep busy so I don't crack up more than I already am. :)

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Cat appliqued quilt in grey and black

I used a scotty dog for the label.  I told you all thats what my hubby Timothy Scott used with his family
And this is a close up of Colleens  label
I made this for my sister in law Colleen. She loves kitties and I thought this would be purrfect.    I love the Sheldon song soft kitty and I needed something to fill in that spot so there it is.The pattern is called Sidekick and I did it using a quilt as you go method

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Scotty dog pattern

My Hubby passed away April 2016.  His name was Scott when I met him.  His family called him that because he had a sister named Kim and his first name is Tim so he was tired of running to his mom when she yelled for Kim so the family just started calling him Scott to make it easier.
I make quilts and as a rememberence to him I am using this "Scotty" dog to label my quilts now.