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Born and raised in good old Florida. Newly widowed after 30 years. Trying to keep busy so I don't crack up more than I already am. :)

Monday, April 10, 2017

Funday Sunday.

 Yesterday was the day we all got together and colored eggs and pigged out.  I made cookies and cut slits out for the bunny ears.  The cups are plastic that I drew faces on with a sharpie
 These were eggs we used baking soda and food coloring to make a paste, painted them then
 dipped quickly in vinegar
This is my girl Megan and my niece leah being goofy
 We also did nail polish in cups of water
 We all had to wear gloves
 Was really messy but fun
These are the nail polish eggs
They came out kinda cool
 Eggs rolled in rice that was colored with food coloring

 I made a giant pan of home made mac and cheese with bacon on top
And finally dessert.  dirt cake with carrots growing out  :0
It was such a fun day.  I love getting together with my family

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